
7.2 $ \mathtt{Treap}$: A Randomized Binary Search Tree

The problem with random binary search trees is, of course, that they are not dynamic. They don't support the $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ or $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ operations needed to implement the $ \mathtt{SSet}$ interface. In this section we describe a data structure called a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ that uses Lemma 7.1 to implement the $ \mathtt{SSet}$ interface.

A node in a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ is like a node in a $ \mathtt{BinarySearchTree}$ in that it has a data value, $ \mathtt{x}$, but it also contains a unique numerical priority, $ \mathtt{p}$, that is assigned at random:

  class TreapNode : public BSTNode<Node, T> {
    friend class Treap<Node,T>;
    int p;
In addition to being a binary search tree, the nodes in a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ also obey the heap property: At every node $ \mathtt{u}$, except the root, $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{u.parent.p}} < \ensuremath{\mathtt{u.p}}$. That is, each node has a priority smaller than that of its two children. An example is shown in Figure 7.5.

Figure 7.5: An example of a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ containing the integers $ 0,\ldots,9$. Each node, $ \mathtt{u}$, is illustrated with $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{u.x}},\ensuremath{\mathtt{u.p}}$.

The heap and binary search tree conditions together ensure that, once the key ( $ \mathtt{x}$) and priority ( $ \mathtt{p}$) for each node are defined, the shape of the $ \mathtt{Treap}$ is completely determined. The heap property tells us that the node with minimum priority has to be the root, $ \mathtt{r}$, of the $ \mathtt{Treap}$. The binary search tree property tells us that all nodes with keys smaller than $ \mathtt{r.x}$ are stored in the subtree rooted at $ \mathtt{r.left}$ and all nodes with keys larger than $ \mathtt{r.x}$ are stored in the subtree rooted at $ \mathtt{r.right}$.

The important point about the priority values in a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ is that they are unique and assigned at random. Because of this, there are two equivalent ways we can think about a $ \mathtt{Treap}$. As defined above, a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ obeys the heap and binary search tree properties. Alternatively, we can think of a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ as a $ \mathtt{BinarySearchTree}$ whose nodes were added in increasing order of priority. For example, the $ \mathtt{Treap}$ in Figure 7.5 can be obtained by adding the sequence of $ (\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}},\ensuremath{\mathtt{p}})$ values

$\displaystyle \langle
(3,1), (1,6), (0,9), (5,11), (4,14), (9,17), (7,22), (6,42), (8,49), (2,99)

into a $ \mathtt{BinarySearchTree}$.

Since the priorities are chosen randomly, this is equivalent to taking a random permutation of the keys -- in this case the permutation is

$\displaystyle \langle 3, 1, 0, 5, 9, 4, 7, 6, 8, 2 \rangle

-- and adding these to a $ \mathtt{BinarySearchTree}$. But this means that the shape of a treap is identical to that of a random binary search tree. In particular, if we replace each key $ \mathtt{x}$ by its rank,2 then Lemma 7.1 applies. Restating Lemma 7.1 in terms of $ \mathtt{Treap}$s, we have:

Lemma 7..2   In a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ that stores a set $ S$ of $ \mathtt{n}$ keys, the following statements hold:
  1. For any $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}\in S$, the expected length of the search path for $ \mathtt{x}$ is $ H_{r(\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}})+1} + H_{\ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}-r(\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}})} - O(1)$.
  2. For any $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}\not\in S$, the expected length of the search path for $ \mathtt{x}$ is $ H_{r(\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}})} + H_{\ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}-r(\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}})}$.
Here, $ r(\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}})$ denotes the rank of $ \mathtt{x}$ in the set $ S\cup\{\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}\}$.

Lemma 7.2 tells us that $ \mathtt{Treap}$s can implement the $ \mathtt{find(x)}$ operation efficiently. However, the real benefit of a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ is that it can support the $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ and $ \mathtt{delete(x)}$ operations. To do this, it needs to perform rotations in order to maintain the heap property. Refer to Figure 7.6. A rotation in a binary search tree is a local modification that takes a parent $ \mathtt{u}$ of a node $ \mathtt{w}$ and makes $ \mathtt{w}$ the parent of $ \mathtt{u}$, while preserving the binary search tree property. Rotations come in two flavours: left or right depending on whether $ \mathtt{w}$ is a right or left child of $ \mathtt{u}$, respectively.

Figure 7.6: Left and right rotations in a binary search tree.

The code that implements this has to handle these two possibilities and be careful of a boundary case (when $ \mathtt{u}$ is the root) so the actual code is a little longer than Figure 7.6 would lead a reader to believe:

  void rotateLeft(Node *u) {
    Node *w = u->right;
    w->parent = u->parent;
    if (w->parent != nil) {
      if (w->parent->left == u) {
        w->parent->left = w;
      } else {
        w->parent->right = w;
    u->right = w->left;
    if (u->right != nil) {
      u->right->parent = u;
    u->parent = w;
    w->left = u;
    if (u == r) { r = w; r->parent = nil; }
  void rotateRight(Node *u) {
    Node *w = u->left;
    w->parent = u->parent;
    if (w->parent != nil) {
      if (w->parent->left == u) {
        w->parent->left = w;
      } else {
        w->parent->right = w;
    u->left = w->right;
    if (u->left != nil) {
      u->left->parent = u;
    u->parent = w;
    w->right = u;
    if (u == r) { r = w; r->parent = nil; }
In terms of the $ \mathtt{Treap}$ data structure, the most important property of a rotation is that the depth of $ \mathtt{w}$ decreases by one while the depth of $ \mathtt{u}$ increases by one.

Using rotations, we can implement the $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ operation as follows: We create a new node, $ \mathtt{u}$, and assign $ \mathtt{u.x=x}$ and pick a random value for $ \mathtt{u.p}$. Next we add $ \mathtt{u}$ using the usual $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ algorithm for a $ \mathtt{BinarySearchTree}$, so that $ \mathtt{u}$ is now a leaf of the $ \mathtt{Treap}$. At this point, our $ \mathtt{Treap}$ satisfies the binary search tree property, but not necessarily the heap property. In particular, it may be the case that $ \mathtt{u.parent.p > u.p}$. If this is the case, then we perform a rotation at node $ \mathtt{w}$= $ \mathtt{u.parent}$ so that $ \mathtt{u}$ becomes the parent of $ \mathtt{w}$. If $ \mathtt{u}$ continues to violate the heap property, we will have to repeat this, decreasing $ \mathtt{u}$'s depth by one every time, until $ \mathtt{u}$ either becomes the root or $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{u.parent.p}} < \ensuremath{\mathtt{u.p}}$.

  bool add(T x) {
    Node *u = new Node;
    u->x = x;
    u->p = rand();
    if (BinarySearchTree<Node,T>::add(u)) {
      return true;
    return false;
  void bubbleUp(Node *u) {
    while (u->parent != nil && u->parent->p > u->p) {
      if (u->parent->right == u) {
      } else {
    if (u->parent == nil) {
      r = u;
An example of an $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ operation is shown in Figure 7.7.

Figure 7.7: Adding the value 1.5 into the $ \mathtt{Treap}$ from Figure 7.5.

The running time of the $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ operation is given by the time it takes to follow the search path for $ \mathtt{x}$ plus the number of rotations performed to move the newly-added node, $ \mathtt{u}$, up to its correct location in the $ \mathtt{Treap}$. By Lemma 7.2, the expected length of the search path is at most $ 2\ln \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}+O(1)$. Furthermore, each rotation decreases the depth of $ \mathtt{u}$. This stops if $ \mathtt{u}$ becomes the root, so the expected number of rotations cannot exceed the expected length of the search path. Therefore, the expected running time of the $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ operation in a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ is $ O(\log \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}})$. (Exercise 7.3 asks you to show that the expected number of rotations performed during an insertion is actually only $ O(1)$.)

The $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ operation in a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ is the opposite of the $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ operation. We search for the node, $ \mathtt{u}$, containing $ \mathtt{x}$ and then perform rotations to move $ \mathtt{u}$ downwards until it becomes a leaf and then we splice $ \mathtt{u}$ from the $ \mathtt{Treap}$. Notice that, to move $ \mathtt{u}$ downwards, we can perform either a left or right rotation at $ \mathtt{u}$, which will replace $ \mathtt{u}$ with $ \mathtt{u.right}$ or $ \mathtt{u.left}$, respectively. The choice is made by the first of the following that apply:

  1. If $ \mathtt{u.left}$ and $ \mathtt{u.right}$ are both $ \mathtt{null}$, then $ \mathtt{u}$ is a leaf and no rotation is performed.
  2. If $ \mathtt{u.left}$ (or $ \mathtt{u.right}$) is $ \mathtt{null}$, then perform a right (or left, respectively) rotation at $ \mathtt{u}$.
  3. If $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{u.left.p}} < \ensuremath{\mathtt{u.right.p}}$ (or $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{u.left.p}} > \ensuremath{\mathtt{u.right.p}})$, then perform a right rotation (or left rotation, respectively) at $ \mathtt{u}$.
These three rules ensure that the $ \mathtt{Treap}$ doesn't become disconnected and that the heap property is maintained once $ \mathtt{u}$ is removed.
  bool remove(T x) {
    Node *u = findLast(x);
    if (u != nil && compare(u->x, x) == 0) {
      delete u;
      return true;
    return false;
  void trickleDown(Node *u) {
    while (u->left != nil || u->right != nil) {
      if (u->left == nil) {
      } else if (u->right == nil) {
      } else if (u->left->p < u->right->p) {
      } else {
      if (r == u) {
        r = u->parent;
An example of the $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ operation is shown in Figure 7.8.
Figure 7.8: Removing the value 9 from the $ \mathtt{Treap}$ in Figure 7.5.

The trick to analyze the running time of the $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ operation is to notice that this operation is the reverse of the $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ operation. In particular, if we were to reinsert $ \mathtt{x}$, using the same priority $ \mathtt{u.p}$, then the $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ operation would do exactly the same number of rotations and would restore the $ \mathtt{Treap}$ to exactly the same state it was in before the $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ operation took place. (Reading from bottom-to-top, Figure 7.8 illustrates the insertion of the value 9 into a $ \mathtt{Treap}$.) This means that the expected running time of the $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ on a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ of size $ \mathtt{n}$ is proportional to the expected running time of the $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ operation on a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ of size $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}-1$. We conclude that the expected running time of $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ is $ O(\log \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}})$.

7.2.1 Summary

The following theorem summarizes the performance of the $ \mathtt{Treap}$ data structure:

Theorem 7..2   A $ \mathtt{Treap}$ implements the $ \mathtt{SSet}$ interface. A $ \mathtt{Treap}$ supports the operations $ \mathtt{add(x)}$, $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$, and $ \mathtt{find(x)}$ in $ O(\log \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}})$ expected time per operation.

It is worth comparing the $ \mathtt{Treap}$ data structure to the $ \mathtt{SkiplistSSet}$ data structure. Both implement the $ \mathtt{SSet}$ operations in $ O(\log \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}})$ expected time per operation. In both data structures, $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ and $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ involve a search and then a constant number of pointer changes (see Exercise 7.3 below). Thus, for both these structures, the expected length of the search path is the critical value in assessing their performance. In a $ \mathtt{SkiplistSSet}$, the expected length of a search path is

$\displaystyle 2\log \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}} + O(1) \enspace ,

In a $ \mathtt{Treap}$, the expected length of a search path is

$\displaystyle 2\ln \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}} +O(1) \approx 1.386\log \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}} + O(1) \enspace .

Thus, the search paths in a $ \mathtt{Treap}$ are considerably shorter and this translates into noticeably faster operations on $ \mathtt{Treap}$s than $ \mathtt{Skiplist}$s. Exercise 4.2 in Chapter 4 shows how the expected length of the search path in a $ \mathtt{Skiplist}$ can be reduced to

$\displaystyle e\ln \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}} + O(1) \approx 1.884\log \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}} + O(1)

by using biased coin tosses. Even with this optimization, the expected length of search paths in a $ \mathtt{SkiplistSSet}$ is noticeably longer than in a $ \mathtt{Treap}$.


... rank,2
The rank of an element $ \mathtt{x}$ in a set $ S$ of elements is the number of elements in $ S$ that are less than $ \mathtt{x}$.