In this section we consider two sorting algorithms that are not
comparison-based. These algorithms are specialized for sorting
small integers.
These algorithms get around the lower-bounds of
Theorem 11.5 by using (parts of) the
elements of
as indices into an array. Consider a statement of
the form
Suppose we have an input array
consisting of
integers, each in
the range
. The counting-sort algorithm sorts
using an auxiliary array
of counters. It outputs a sorted version
as an auxiliary array
The idea behind counting-sort is simple: For each
, count the number of occurrences of
and store this in
. Now, after sorting, the output will look like
occurrences of 0, followed by
occurrences of 1, followed by
occurrences of 2,..., followed by
occurrences of
The code that does this is very slick, and its execution is illustrated in
Figure 11.7:
int[] countingSort(int[] a, int k) { int c[] = new int[k]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) c[a[i]]++; for (int i = 1; i < k; i++) c[i] += c[i-1]; int b[] = new int[a.length]; for (int i = a.length-1; i >= 0; i--) b[--c[a[i]]] = a[i]; return b; }
The first
loop in this code sets each counter
so that it
counts the number of occurrences of
. By using the values
as indices, these counters can all be computed in
with a single for loop. At this point, we could use
fill in the output array
directly. However, this would not work if
the elements of
have associated data. Therefore we spend a little
extra effort to copy the elements of
The next
loop, which takes
time, computes a running-sum
of the counters so that
becomes the number of elements in
that are less than or equal to
. In particular, for every
, the output array,
, will have
The counting-sort algorithm has the nice property of being stable;
it preserves the relative order of elements that are equal. If two
have the same value, and
will appear before
. This will be useful in the
next section.
Counting-sort is very efficient for sorting an array of integers when the
, of the array is not much smaller than the maximum value,
, that appears in the array. The radix-sort algorithm,
which we now describe, uses several passes of counting-sort to allow
for a much greater range of maximum values.
Radix-sort sorts
-bit integers by using
passes of counting-sort
to sort these integers
bits at a time.2 More precisely, radix sort first sorts the integers by
their least significant
bits, then their next significant
and so on until, in the last pass, the integers are sorted by their most
int[] radixSort(int[] a) { int[] b = null; for (int p = 0; p < w/d; p++) { int c[] = new int[1<<d]; // the next three for loops implement counting-sort b = new int[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) c[(a[i] >> d*p)&((1<<d)-1)]++; for (int i = 1; i < 1<<d; i++) c[i] += c[i-1]; for (int i = a.length-1; i >= 0; i--) b[--c[(a[i] >> d*p)&((1<<d)-1)]] = a[i]; a = b; } return b; }(In this code, the expression
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This remarkable algorithm sorts correctly because counting-sort is
a stable sorting algorithm. If
are two elements of
and the most significant bit at which
differs from
has index
will be placed before
during pass
and subsequent passes will not change the relative order of
Radix-sort performs
passes of counting-sort. Each pass requires
time. Therefore, the performance of radix-sort is given
by the following theorem.
If we think, instead, of the elements of the array being in the range
, and take
we obtain
the following version of Theorem 11.8.