This chapter discusses algorithms for sorting a set of
This might seem like a strange topic for a book on data structures, but
there are several good reasons for including it here. The most obvious
reason is that two of these sorting algorithms (quicksort and heap-sort)
are intimately related to two of the data structures we have already
studied (random binary search trees and heaps, respectively).
The first part of this chapter discusses algorithms that sort using only
comparisons and presents three algorithms that run in
time. As it turns out, all three algorithms are asymptotically optimal;
no algorithm that uses only comparisons can avoid doing roughly
comparisons in the worst-case and even the average-case.
The second part of this chapter shows that, if we allow other
operations besides comparisons, then all bets are off. Indeed, by using
array-indexing, it is possible to sort a set of
integers in the range