9.4 Discussion and Exercises

Red-black trees were first introduced by Guibas and Sedgewick [32]. Despite their high implementation complexity they are found in some of the most commonly used libraries and applications. Most algorithms and data structures discuss some variant of red-black trees.

Andersson [4] describes a left-leaning version of balanced trees that are similar to red-black trees but have the additional constraint that any node has at most one red child. This implies that these trees simulate 2-3 trees rather than 2-4 trees. They are significantly simpler, though, than the $ \mathtt{RedBlackTree}$ structure presented in this chapter.

Sedgewick [55] describes at least two versions of left-leaning red-black trees. These use recursion along with a simulation of top-down splitting and merging in 2-4 trees. The combination of these two techniques makes for particularly short and elegant code.

A related, and older, data structure is the AVL tree [2]. AVL trees are height-balanced: At each node $ u$, the height of the subtree rooted at $ \mathtt{u.left}$ and the subtree rooted at $ \mathtt{u.right}$ differ by at most one. It follows immediately that, if $ F(h)$ is the minimum number of leaves in a tree of height $ h$, then $ F(h)$ obeys the Fibonacci recurrence

$\displaystyle F(h) = F(h-1) + F(h-2)

with base cases $ F(0)=1$ and $ F(1)=1$. This means $ F(h)$ is approximately $ \varphi^h/\sqrt{5}$, where $ \varphi=(1+\sqrt{5})/2\approx1.61803399$ is the golden ratio. (More precisely, $ \vert\varphi^h/\sqrt{5} - F(h)\vert\le 1/2$.) Arguing as in the proof of Lemma 9.1, this implies

$\displaystyle h \le \log_\varphi \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}} \approx 1.440420088\log \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}} \enspace ,

so AVL trees have smaller height than red-black trees. The height-balanced property can be maintained during $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ and $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ operations by walking back up the path to the root and performing a rebalancing operation at each node $ \mathtt{u}$ where the height of $ \mathtt{u}$'s left and right subtrees differ by 2. See Figure 9.10.

Figure 9.10: Rebalancing in an AVL tree. At most 2 rotations are required to convert a node whose subtrees have height $ h$ and $ h+2$ into a node whose subtrees each have height at most $ h+1$.

Andersson's variant of red-black trees, Sedgewick's variant of red-black trees, and AVL trees are all simpler to implement than the $ \mathtt{RedBlackTree}$ structure defined here. Unfortunately, none of them can guarantee that the amortized time spent rebalancing is $ O(1)$ per update. In particular, there is no analogue of Theorem 9.2 for those structures.

Exercise 9..1   Why does the method $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ in the $ \mathtt{RedBlackTree}$ implementation perform the assignment $ \mathtt{u.parent=w.parent}$? Shouldn't this already be done by the call to $ \mathtt{splice(w)}$?

Exercise 9..2   Suppose a 2-4 tree, $ T$, has $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}_\ell$ leaves and $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}_i$ internal nodes.
  1. What is the minimum value of $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}_i$, as a function of $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}_\ell$?
  2. What is the maximum value of $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}_i$, as a function of $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}_\ell$?
  3. If $ T'$ is a red-black tree that represents $ T$, then how many red nodes does $ T'$ have?

Exercise 9..3   Prove that, during an $ \mathtt{add(x)}$ operation, an AVL tree must perform at most one rebalancing operation (that involves at most 2 rotations; see Figure 9.10). Give an example of an AVL tree and a $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ operation on that tree that requires on the order of $ \log \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}$ rebalancing operations.

Exercise 9..4   Implement an $ \mathtt{AVLTree}$ class that implements AVL trees as described above. Compare its performance to that of the $ \mathtt{RedBlackTree}$ implementation. Which implementation has a faster $ \mathtt{find(x)}$ operation?

Exercise 9..5   Design and implement a series of experiments that compare the relative performance of $ \mathtt{find(x)}$, $ \mathtt{add(x)}$, and $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$ for $ \mathtt{SkiplistSSet}$, $ \mathtt{ScapegoatTree}$, $ \mathtt{Treap}$, and $ \mathtt{RedBlackTree}$. Be sure to include multiple test scenarios, including cases where the data is random, already sorted, is removed in random order, is removed in sorted order, and so on.
