One of the drawbacks of linked lists (besides the time it takes to access elements that are deep within the list) is their space usage. Each node in a DLList requires an additional two references to the next and previous nodes in the list. Two thirds of the fields in a Node are dedicated to maintaining the list and only one third of the fields are for storing data!
An SEList (space-efficient list) reduces this wasted space using
a simple idea: Rather than store individual elements in a DLList,
we store a block (array) containing several items. More precisely, an
SEList is parameterized by a block size
. Each individual
node in an SEList stores a block that can hold up to
It will turn out, for reasons that become clear later, that it will
be helpful if we can do Deque operations on each block. The data
structure we choose for this is a BDeque (bounded deque), derived
from the ArrayDeque structure described in .
The BDeque differs from the ArrayDeque in one small way: When a
new BDeque is created, the size of the backing array
is fixed at
and it never grows or shrinks.
The important property of a BDeque is that it allows for the addition or
removal of elements at either the front or back in constant time. This
will be useful as elements are shifted from one block to another.
class BDeque extends ArrayDeque<T> { BDeque() { super(SEList.this.type()); a = newArray(b+1); } void resize() { } }
An SEList is then a doubly-linked list of blocks:
class Node { BDeque d; Node prev, next; }
int n; Node dummy;
An SEList places very tight restrictions on the number of elements
in a block: Unless a block is the last block, then that block contains
at least
and at most
elements. This means that, if an
SEList contains
elements, then it has at most
The first challenge we face with an SEList is finding the list item
with a given index
. Note that the location of an element consists
of two parts: The node
that contains the block that contains the
element as well as the index
of the element within its block.
class Location { Node u; int j; Location(Node u, int j) { this.u = u; this.j = j; } }
To find the block that contains a particular element, we proceed in the same way as in a DLList. We either start at the front of the list and traverse in the forward direction or at the back of the list and traverse backwards until we reach the node we want. The only difference is that, each time we move from one node to the next, we skip over a whole block of elements.
Location getLocation(int i) { if (i < n/2) { Node u =; while (i >= u.d.size()) { i -= u.d.size(); u =; } return new Location(u, i); } else { Node u = dummy; int idx = n; while (i < idx) { u = u.prev; idx -= u.d.size(); } return new Location(u, i-idx); } }
Remember that, with the exception of at most one block, each block
contains at least
elements, so each step in our search gets
elements closer to the element we are looking for. If we
are searching forward, this means we reach the node we want after
steps. If we search backwards, we reach the node we want
steps. The algorithm takes the smaller of
these two quantities depending on the value of
, so the time to locate
the item with index
Once we know how to locate the item with index
, the
operations translate into getting or setting a particular
index in the correct block:
T get(int i) { if (i < 0 || i > n - 1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); Location l = getLocation(i); return l.u.d.get(l.j); } T set(int i, T x) { if (i < 0 || i > n - 1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); Location l = getLocation(i); T y = l.u.d.get(l.j); l.u.d.set(l.j,x); return y; }
These operations are dominated by the time it takes to locate the item,
so they also run in
Things start to get complicated when adding elements to an SEList.
Before considering the general case, we consider the easier operation,
, in which
is added to the end of the list. If the last
block is full (or does not exist because there are no blocks yet),
then we first allocate a new block and append it to the list of blocks.
Now that we are sure that the last block exists and is not full, we
to the last block.
boolean add(T x) { Node last = dummy.prev; if (last == dummy || last.d.size() == b+1) { last = addBefore(dummy); } last.d.add(x); n++; return true; }
Things get more complicated when we add to the interior of the list
. We first locate
to get the node
whose block
contains the
th list item. The problem is that we want to insert
's block, but we have to be prepared for the case where
's block already contains
elements, so that it is full and
there is no room for
and so on. We explore
looking for a node
that can provide space for
. Three cases can occur during our
space exploration (see Figure 3.3):
void add(int i, T x) { if (i < 0 || i > n) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if (i == n) { add(x); return; } Location l = getLocation(i); Node u = l.u; int r = 0; while (r < b && u != dummy && u.d.size() == b+1) { u =; r++; } if (r == b) { // found b blocks each with b+1 elements spread(l.u); u = l.u; } if (u == dummy) { // ran off the end of the list - add new node u = addBefore(u); } while (u != l.u) { // work backwards, shifting an element at each step u.d.add(0, u.prev.d.remove(u.prev.d.size()-1)); u = u.prev; } u.d.add(l.j, x); n++; }
The running time of the
operation depends on which of
the three cases above occurs. Cases 1 and 2 involve examining and
shifting elements through at most
blocks and take
Case 3 involves calling the
method, which moves
elements and takes
time. If we ignore the cost of Case 3
(which we will account for later with amortization) this means that
the total running time to locate
and perform the insertion of
Removing an element, using the
method from an SEList
is similar to adding an element. We first locate the node
contains the element with index
. Now, we have to be prepared for
the case where we cannot remove an element from
without causing
block to have size less than
, which is not allowed.
Again, let
We examine
in order looking for a node from
which we can borrow an element to make the size of
's block larger
. There are three cases to consider
(see Figure 3.4):
T remove(int i) { if (i < 0 || i > n - 1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); Location l = getLocation(i); T y = l.u.d.get(l.j); Node u = l.u; int r = 0; while (r < b && u != dummy && u.d.size() == b-1) { u =; r++; } if (r == b) { // found b blocks each with b-1 elements gather(l.u); } u = l.u; u.d.remove(l.j); while (u.d.size() < b-1 && != dummy) { u.d.add(; u =; } if (u.d.isEmpty()) remove(u); n--; return y; }
Like the
operation, the running time of the
operation is
if we ignore the cost of
method that occurs in Case 3.
Next, we consider the cost of the
methods that may be executed by the
methods. For completeness, here they are:
void spread(Node u) { Node w = u; for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) { w =; } w = addBefore(w); while (w != u) { while (w.d.size() < b) w.d.add(0,w.prev.d.remove(w.prev.d.size()-1)); w = w.prev; } }
void gather(Node u) { Node w = u; for (int j = 0; j < b-1; j++) { while (w.d.size() < b) w.d.add(; w =; } remove(w); }
The running time of each of these methods is dominated by the two
nested loops. Both the inner loop and outer loop execute at most
times, so the total running time of each of these methods
. However, the following lemma shows that
these methods execute on at most one out of every
calls to
Notice that, if Case 1 occurs during the
method, then
only one node,
has the size of its block changed. Therefore,
at most one node, namely
, goes from being rugged to being
fragile. If Case 2 occurs, then a new node is created, and this node
is fragile, but no other node changes sizes, so the number of fragile
nodes increases by one. Thus, in either Case 1 or Case 2 the potential
of the SEList increases by at most 1.
Finally, if Case 3 occurs, it is because
are all fragile nodes. Then
is called and these
fragile nodes are replaced with
rugged nodes. Finally,
is added to
's block, making
fragile. In total the
potential decreases by
In summary, the potential starts at 0 (there are no nodes in the list).
Each time Case 1 or Case 2 occurs, the potential increases by at
most 1. Each time Case 3 occurs, the potential decreases by
The potential (which counts the number of fragile nodes) is never
less than 0. We conclude that, for every occurrence of Case 3, there
are at least
occurrences of Case 1 or Case 2. Thus, for every
call to
there are at least
calls to
. This
completes the proof.
The following theorem summarizes the performance of the SEList data structure:
The space (measured in words)2 used by an SEList
that stores
elements is
The SEList is a tradeoff between an ArrayList and a DLList where
the relative mix of these two structures depends on the block size
. At the extreme
, each SEList node stores at most 3
values, which is really not much different than a DLList. At the other
, all the elements are stored in a single array,
just like in an ArrayList. In between these two extremes lies a
tradeoff between the time it takes to add or remove a list item and
the time it takes to locate a particular list item.