The first data structure to provide
, and
operations was proposed by van Emde Boas and
has since become known as the van Emde Boas (or stratified)
tree [72]. The original van Emde Boas structure had size
, so was impractical for large integers.
The XFastTrie and YFastTrie data structures were discovered by
Willard [75]. The XFastTrie structure is very closely related
to van Emde Boas trees. One view of this is that the
hash tables in an XFastTrie replace arrays in a van Emde Boas tree.
That is, instead of storing the hash table
, a van Emde Boas tree
stores an array of length
Another structure for storing integers is Fredman and Willard's fusion
trees [30]. This structure can store
-bit integers in
space so that the
operation runs in
time. By using a fusion tree when
a YFastTrie when
one obtains an
space data structure that can implement the
operation in
time. Recent lower-bound results of P
and Thorup [59] show that these results are more-or-less optimal,
at least for structures that use only
Hint: Each node in your data structure should store a hash table that is indexed by character values.