5.4 Discussion and Exercises

Hash tables and hash codes are an enormous and active area of research that is just touched upon in this chapter. The online Bibliography on Hashing [7] contains nearly 2000 entries.

A variety of different hash table implementations exist. The one described in is known as hashing with chaining (each array entry contains a chain ( $ \mathtt{List}$) of elements). Hashing with chaining dates back to an internal IBM memorandum authored by H. P. Luhn and dated January 1953. This memorandum also seems to be one of the earliest references to linked lists.

An alternative to hashing with chaining is that used by open addressing schemes, where all data is stored directly in an array. These schemes include the $ \mathtt{LinearHashTable}$ structure of . This idea was also proposed, independently, by a group at IBM in the 1950s. Open addressing schemes must deal with the problem of collision resolution: the case where two values hash to the same array location. Different strategies exist for collision resolution and these provide different performance guarantees and often require more sophisticated hash functions than the ones described here.

Yet another category of hash table implementations are the so-called perfect hashing methods. These are methods in which $ \mathtt{find(x)}$ operations take $ O(1)$ time in the worst-case. For static data sets, this can be accomplished by finding perfect hash functions for the data; these are functions that map each piece of data to a unique array location. For data that changes over time, perfect hashing methods include FKS two-level hash tables [25,19] and cuckoo hashing [46].

The hash functions presented in this chapter are probably among the most practical currently known methods that can be proven to work well for any set of data. Other provably good methods date back to the pioneering work of Carter and Wegman who introduced the notion of universal hashing and described several hash functions for different scenarios [11]. Tabulation hashing, described in , is due to Carter and Wegman [11], but its analysis, when applied to linear probing (and several other hash table schemes) is due to P{\v{a\/}}\kern.05emtra{\c{s\/}}cu and Thorup [51].

The idea of multiplicative hashing is very old and seems to be part of the hashing folklore [41, Section 6.4]. However, the idea of choosing the multiplier $ \mathtt{z}$ to be a random odd number, and the analysis in is due to Dietzfelbinger et al. [18]. This version of multiplicative hashing is one of the simplest, but its collision probability of $ 2/2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{d}}}$ is a factor of 2 larger than what one could expect with a random function from $ 2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}\to
2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{d}}}$. The multiply-add hashing method uses the function

$\displaystyle h(\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}) = ((\ensuremath{\mathtt{z}}\ensuremath...
...math{\mathtt{2w}}}) \ddiv 2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{2w}}-\ensuremath{\mathtt{d}}}

where $ \mathtt{z}$ and $ \mathtt{b}$ are each randomly chosen from $ \{0,\ldots,2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{2w}}}-1\}$. Multiply-add hashing has a collision probability of only $ 1/2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{d}}}$ [16], but requires $ 2\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}$-bit precision arithmetic.

There are a number of methods of obtaining hash codes from fixed-length sequences of $ \mathtt{w}$-bit integers. One particularly fast method [8] is the function

$\displaystyle h(\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}_0,\ldots,\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}_{r-1})...
...})\bmod 2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}})\right) \bmod 2^{2\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}

where $ r$ is even and $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{a}}_0,\ldots,\ensuremath{\mathtt{a}}_{r-1}$ are randomly chosen from $ \{0,\ldots,2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}\}$. This yields a $ 2\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}$-bit hash code that has collision probability $ 1/2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}$. This can be reduced to a $ \mathtt{w}$-bit hash code using multiplicative (or multiply-add) hashing. This method is fast because it requires only $ r/2$ $ 2\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}$-bit multiplications whereas the method described in requires $ r$ multiplications. (The $ \bmod$ operations occur implicitly by using $ \mathtt{w}$ and $ 2\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}$-bit arithmetic for the additions and multiplications, respectively.)

The method from of using polynomials over prime fields to hash variable-length arrays and strings is due to Dietzfelbinger et al. [17]. It is, unfortunately, not very fast. This is due to its use of the $ \bmod$ operator which relies on a costly machine instruction. Some variants of this method choose the prime $ \mathtt{p}$ to be one of the form $ 2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}-1$, in which case the $ \bmod$ operator can be replaced with addition ( $ \mathtt{+}$) and bitwise-and ( $ \mathtt{\&}$) operations [40, Section 3.6]. Another option is to apply one of the fast methods for fixed-length strings to blocks of length $ c$ for some constant $ c>1$ and then apply the prime field method to the resulting sequence of $ \lceil r/c\rceil$ hash codes.

Exercise 5..1   Prove that the bound $ 2/2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{d}}}$ in Lemma 5.1 is the best possible by showing that, if $ x=2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}-\ensuremath{\mathtt{d}}-2}$ and $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{y}}=3\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}$, then $ \Pr\{\ensuremath{\mathtt{hash(x)}}=\ensuremath{\mathtt{hash(y)}}\}=2/2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{d}}}$. (Hint look at the binary representations of $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{zx}}$ and $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{z}}3\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}$ and use the fact that $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{z}}3\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}
= \ensuremath{\mathtt{z}}x\ensuremath{\mathtt{+2}}z\ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}$.)

Exercise 5..2   Reprove Lemma 5.4 using the full version of Stirling's Approximation given in .

Exercise 5..3   Consider the following the simplified version of the code for adding an element $ \mathtt{x}$ to a $ \mathtt{LinearHashTable}$. This code simply stores $ \mathtt{x}$ in the first $ \mathtt{null}$ array entry it finds. Explain why this could be very slow by giving an example of a sequence of $ O(\ensuremath{\mathtt{n}})$ $ \mathtt{add(x)}$, $ \mathtt{remove(x)}$, and $ \mathtt{find(x)}$ operations that would take on the order of $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{n}}^2$ time to execute.
  bool addSlow(T x) {
    if (2*(q+1) > t.length) resize();   // max 50% occupancy
    int i = hash(x);
    while (t[i] != null) {
        if (t[i] != del && x.equals(t[i])) return false;
        i = (i == t.length-1) ? 0 : i + 1; // increment i (mod t.length)
    t[i] = x;
    n++; q++;
    return true;

Exercise 5..4   Suppose you have an object made up of two $ \mathtt{w}$-bit integers $ \mathtt{x}$ and $ \mathtt{y}$. Show why $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}\oplus\ensuremath{\mathtt{y}}$ does not make a good hash code for your object. Give an example of a large set of objects that would all have hash code 0.

Exercise 5..5   Suppose you have an object made up of two $ \mathtt{w}$-bit integers $ \mathtt{x}$ and $ \mathtt{y}$. Show why $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{x}}+\ensuremath{\mathtt{y}}$ does not make a good hash code for your object. Give an example of a large set of objects that would all have the same hash code.

Exercise 5..6   Suppose you have an object made up of two $ \mathtt{w}$-bit integers $ \mathtt{x}$ and $ \mathtt{y}$. Suppose that the hash code for your object is defined by some deterministic function $ h(x,y)$. Prove that there exists a large set of objects that have the same hash code.

Exercise 5..7   Let $ p=2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}-1$ for some positive integer $ \mathtt{w}$. Explain why, for a positive integer $ x$

$\displaystyle (x\bmod 2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}) + (x\ddiv 2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}) \equiv x \bmod (2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}-1) \enspace .

(This gives an algorithm for computing $ x \bmod (2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}-1)$ by repeatedly setting

$\displaystyle \ensuremath{\mathtt{x = x\&((1<<w)-1) + x>>>w}}

until $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{x}} \le 2^{\ensuremath{\mathtt{w}}}-1$.)
