8. Scapegoat Trees

In this chapter, we study a binary search tree data structure, the ScapegoatTree, that keeps itself balanced by partial rebuilding operations. During a partial rebuilding operation, an entire subtree is deconstructed and rebuilt into a perfectly balanced subtree.

There are many ways of rebuilding a subtree rooted at node $ \mathtt{u}$ into a perfectly balanced tree. One of the simplest is to traverse $ \mathtt{u}$'s subtree, gathering all its nodes into an array $ \mathtt{a}$ and then to recursively build a balanced subtree using $ \mathtt{a}$. If we let $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{m}}=\ensuremath{\mathtt{a.length}}/2$, then the element $ \mathtt{a[m]}$ becomes the root of the new subtree, $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{a}}[0],\ldots,\ensuremath{\mathtt{a}}[\ensuremath{\mathtt{m}}-1]$ get stored recursively in the left subtree and $ \ensuremath{\mathtt{a}}[\ensuremath{\mathtt{m}}+1],\ldots,\ensuremath{\mathtt{a}}[\ensuremath{\mathtt{a.length}}-1]$ get stored recursively in the right subtree.

    void rebuild(Node<T> u) {
        int ns = size(u);
        Node<T> p = u.parent;
        Node<T>[] a = (Node<T>[]) Array.newInstance(Node.class, ns);
        packIntoArray(u, a, 0);
        if (p == nil) {
            r = buildBalanced(a, 0, ns);
            r.parent = nil;
        } else if (p.right == u) {
            p.right = buildBalanced(a, 0, ns);
            p.right.parent = p;
        } else {
            p.left = buildBalanced(a, 0, ns);
            p.left.parent = p;
    int packIntoArray(Node<T> u, Node<T>[] a, int i) {
        if (u == nil) {
            return i;
        i = packIntoArray(u.left, a, i);
        a[i++] = u;
        return packIntoArray(u.right, a, i);
    Node<T> buildBalanced(Node<T>[] a, int i, int ns) {
        if (ns == 0)
            return nil;
        int m = ns / 2;
        a[i + m].left = buildBalanced(a, i, m);
        if (a[i + m].left != nil)
            a[i + m].left.parent = a[i + m];
        a[i + m].right = buildBalanced(a, i + m + 1, ns - m - 1);
        if (a[i + m].right != nil)
            a[i + m].right.parent = a[i + m];
        return a[i + m];
A call to $ \mathtt{rebuild(u)}$ takes $ O(\ensuremath{\mathtt{size(u)}})$ time. The subtree built by $ \mathtt{rebuild(u)}$ has minimum height; there is no tree of smaller height that has $ \mathtt{size(u)}$ nodes.

